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Functional Sound Therapy & Holistic Wellbeing

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~ Functional Sound Therapy ~

Therapy Support for NDIS Participants

Functional Sound Therapy is a deeply therapeutic individual session that brings synergy & coherence to the mind & body as a whole. Functional Sound Therapy is not just listening to peaceful sounds and feeling good, rather it's the application of intentional sounds and frequencies to produce a specific response of vitality, based on scientific knowledge on how frequencies impact the function, capacity and health of our brain and body.

Kylie’s Functional Sound Therapy sessions can help :

  • Alleviate stress, anxiety & depression

  • PTSD, processing grief & trauma

  • Stabilise mood & rebalance energy

  • Regulate ADHD, support brain function & memory

  • Alleviate headaches, dizziness, balance issues

  • Improve sleep, reduce chronic fatigue

  • Support healthy organs and body system functionality

  • Improve self-awareness and builds capacity

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NDIS Therapy Support

~ Therapy Sessions ~


The initial consultation; Kylie will gather information from the participants health questionnaire along with discussing the participants personal conditions, goals and capabilities to formulate a personalised consultation plan.


The sound therapy sessions; The participant just lays down or sits comfortably and relaxes. The participant can talk if they want to and this can vary upon individual needs each session.


Kylie applies specifically tuned tuning forks gently upon acupressure points and meridians of the body (via a modality called Acutonics®) based on individual needs & symptoms. This is combined with the natural tones of instruments such as crystal bowls, gongs and vocal tones which calibrate the mind & body into flow. 


The brain wave state and body's functionality are enhanced as per the scientific references shared below. Participants gain a feeling of both relaxed yet energised, with a heightened awareness of their mind & body in balance.


Further benefits including those listed in the introduction above can be felt immediately and can continue to have a positive effects for days after the session which compounds with repeated sessions.

~ Functional Results ~


Sound frequencies directly impact our brain wave state and thus our emotions and cognitive function. The particular sound frequencies and natural overtones used in Functional Sound Therapy are those that influence the brain to;

  • Shift from Beta state, which is home to states of anxiety, stress, worry, anger, fear and linked to a weak immune systems and switch to;

  • Alpha state where a calmer mind supports problem solving, memory capacity & creativity.

  • Further relaxation of the brain activity into Theta & Delta states activates the parasympathetic system which strengthens the immune system, restores bodily systems & rejuvenates cellular health.


Brainwave states

The effect of sound therapy changing the brain wave state can take effect within 2 to 10 minutes, continues through the whole session and has long term positive affects after the session.​

Nervous system


Stress, worry, fear, anxiety, depression, trauma, chronic fatigue will keep our bodies fight or flight system humming in the background – ready and waiting to react and ‘save’ the person from either perceived or real threats in life. We can’t rest, heal or rejuvenate in this state where inflammation, adrenalin & cortisol is consistently too high.  


Therapeutic sounds over-ride the fight or flight and move the body into a meditative state where our parasympathetic system is engaged and our body can rest and repair.

When certain Hertz frequencies are applied to the body with the tuning forks, the subtle vibrations are sent through the bodies meridian lines to directly influence healthy flow of energy & blood, bring revitalising energy to the organs and glands, and support the body’s own healing & repair mechanisms. It is just like a guitar or piano gets a tune up - this is a tune up for our body promoting healthy function on all levels.


Certain frequencies on certain acupressure points can also help reduce symptoms of pain, reduce inflammation, regulate the heart, support the immune system and more. 


Regular sessions extend the long term affects and promote the body’s capacity to adjust it’s base line to a more optimal balance in health, function & vitality.

NDIS Therapy Support Enquiry

NDIS enuiry form


Kylie is an experienced holistic therapist with a Diploma of Mental Health and a passion for sound healing. With over 6 years experience delivering personal sessions, workshops and retreats in the arena of mindfulness, holistic self-care, personal transformation and non-ordinary states of consciousness, Kylie has supported many people along their journey of wellness & self-empowerment.


Kylie also has experience as a support worker and during her Mental Health studies has been inspired to blend her skills and experience in sound healing and holistic self-care in the mental health space.


The work she does today is a culmination of her experiences and training over the last 9 years which was catalysed by life changing event in her personal life in 2014.

~ About Kylie ~

Kylie's qualifications & certifications include:


~ Mental Health qualification of a Diploma of Mental Health including trauma informed care, cultural awareness training as well as continuous First Aid certifications over the years.


~ Fitness qualifications including Cert III & IV in Fitness, Les Mills programs, Pilates and Pre & Post Natal exercise.


  ~ Spiritual Development including Crystal Dreaming® practitioner training, Acutonics® L1,  meditation and shamanic journey work, sound healing & voice expression.


Kylie blends all these qualifications & experiences together and incorporates a truly holistic and multifaceted approach to both her private sessions and group events.

She is most inspired when creating spaces of integrity for healing & self discovery; and offering empowering experiences for human connection, healing and living in in harmony with nature.


Kylie is also a mother to two boys & two felines, loves dancing and music and all things nature.

Kylie Wilson holistic therapist
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~ Effectiveness & Resources ~

Interview withh Dr. Bruce Lipton on the science of sound healing


TED Talk: “Kathleen Howland, speech language and music therapist explains how music really does have the power to heal our brain and heart.”


Forbes magazine article summarising several studies and resources:


This study looks at the effect of just one frequency 528Htz

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 ~ Contact Kylie  ~

Healing Space: Success, WA 


Tel: 0407 658 596

Thanks for submitting!

I was born on Wiradjuri Country in central NSW and blessed to have lived in many parts of Australia. I have lived and worked on Whadjuk Noongar Budja since 2008 and acknowledge the traditional custodians & elders who have been care takers of this lands and waterways beyond what we have recorded time for. I acknowledge this land was never ceded and the First Nations peoples continuing commitment to their culture, lands, waters & sacred sites. I support the Uluru Statement of the Heart.


I also acknowledge that we are all children of the Earth, that we all have a responsibility to respect & care for mother nature & that all humans belong. I envision a peaceful world where all cultures & traditions are respected in harmony with the Earth & all humans have access to natural resources, language, ceremony & sacred lands in heart-lead coherence & respect for all life.

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