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~ Welcome ~

I believe we each have within us all that we need to self-heal and elevate ourselves into highly self-aware states of vitality.


Tending to our wellbeing requires us to look at our human-ness from all perspectives, to acknowledge that we exist as an interconnected awareness between our mental, physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual & psychosocial experiences in our inner & outer realities.


I invite you to experience yourself as a multidimensional being, to reveal the wisdom within you, and choose a path for yourself beyond healing & into a life of creativity, connection, joy & fulfillment.


~ Kylie  ~

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Kylie is a sound alchemist, shamanic healer and holistic transformational guide with a passion for creating immersive experiences that foster inner healing, self-realisation & conscious expansion.


Drawing on an array of qualifications & experiences from both esoteric and clinical teachings, Kylie creates a bridge between worlds to offer unique insights & practical solutions for her clients.


She is a medicine woman of sound & frequency and fosters spaces of integrity to safely lean into ones' vulnerability. Kylie invites you to a journey back to wholeness and rediscover your natural state of magic, power and connectedness.

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~ Services ~

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Private Sessions

Acutonics® Attunement


Intuitive Healing


Crystal Dreaming®


Psychospiritual Therapy

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Group Events

Sound Healing Meditations


Sacred Ceremony


Self-Care Workshops


Wellness Retreats

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Multidimensional Light Codes


Custom Designs


Canvas Prints


Personal Tattoo Designs

Light Language Art
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